Expect More

Expect More

Hello!  I wanted to share a little of my own personal testimony in this blog post.  For those of you that don't know, a large portion of our giving goes to our building fund, Expect More.  Our church started this campaign over 2 years ago.  We had a meeting with our families and prayed together for God to help us with our giving.  We pledged a monthly amount and also a miraculous provision amount.   Our family had great faith and we pledged a large amount for expect more.  I am the one in the family that stresses about the finances so I will tell you it took a LOT of faith on my part and I was still very uncertain. LoL.

In February of 2016 we started Be Modest as a fundraiser for Junior Bible Quizzing.  In the summer of 2016 we began giving to expect more for our personal pledges.  The more we gave, the more God began blessing our business.  

In May of 2017 we launched our website.  In May of 2017 we also had a job loss in our family.  It was a bittersweet month.  I questioned God for a lot of things and really felt helpless with our Expect More pledge.  We were behind in our giving.  Through it all we trusted God had a plan.  By October of 2017 I was able to pay off our families Expect More pledge through Be Modest.  I had no idea God was going to use ME!  I never thought I would have a boutique as one of my ministries.  

Not only have Diana and I both paid off our families personal pledges we decided to do a challenge for the church.  For the month of October we challenged our church to give and that we would match dollar for dollar up to 10,000 dollars!  They met the challenge and we were able to give $10,000 in the month of October to Expect More!  God has awesome things in store for Lifeway!  

Thank you for giving and for your support to our company!  We couldn't do this without YOU!  


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